
Tik-Tik,Tik-Tik,is month (5)five of 2024.we are close to the sixth month,which is the other half of the year,which i believe that 40% of this year`s resolutions has been accomplished,if one has utilized the whole months of this year till thus far,to work on your 2024 resolutions.Depending on the nature of your year`s planing lists.some of the accomplishments,if not yet started,if you dare starting now,it can be ditched out year-endis not yet late,though allready late,but it may cost one too much effort,commitment and perseverence,to come out with something,before the year lapses.To those who`s hands are allready on the plough,thumbs up,push it hard,don`t divert,those who still need to start,set it on ignition.those who doesn`t understand,what this post is about,it is about the year`s resolutions,i`m encouraging or reminding us to just stick or work on our year`s planning,as we promised or as we sworn oath in front of ourselves the begining of this year,you know what you said you gonna accomplish in this year`s reach or by close of the the year,mau=y be you,said this year i will buy a car,or one said this year i will will take out a study policy or may be you aimed at going on an oversea vacation,how far are you thus far adrift of your year`s dreams?


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