RESOLUTION(S)2023/AUGUST Hi,dear,just again an update of the commitments an aoths we did last year-end and the begining of this year,the word resolution was like hit song to our ears,sweet as honey to our tongues,some of us video clipped,some note it down,but just a question are we on par with what we stemmed to be our year's resolutions,is the month of of August,on calender,month, number eight,meaning,nine,ten,eleven,twelve than its year-end,how far are we drifted with this year's plans,may be, as the saying says,later than never,seems your gonna storm it within this four months left,yes thers is still hope to get it due,one should requadrupple the efforts, cost and and anything demanded to realise, 2023 resolutions within the the last seconds,can i put,where a will is,theres a way, says a proverb,jush push on,with God"s help you gonna make it.


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