
Resolution(s)2023/July Tik-Tok,Tik-Tok,the watch is tiking,we entered the 7ndth month of 2023,January the 1st, was when we said,this year i will do this and this and that,is what we call a in english maiden term,resolutions,what is handy?of this resolutions,which are done and dusted,which ones are halfway done,what is still to be dealt with,as a reminder,the fitness academy,you said you will join to keep your body in shape,some said,my years"s resolution is to quit drinking alcohol,the wedding plans,is it still on,or you are wedded,by now as planned in the begining of the year?daw up an inventory,check what has been accomplished as part of this year"s resolution,determine,by the 6months left,how to achieve your dreams as you dreamed,this January,5 months is still amble time, to come up with something,my,push is,dont be discourage if you by now,didnt,do a thing, redoube the efforts,the winning of the race ,is determined by the finishing of it,may God bless as we are navigating in this boat.


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