People knows that cool gents and laids,only found in church,if they want to get hold of them,they would get them there. They come to church,pretending to be born again,spirit filled,blood washed God's children,who speak and pray in tongues,just to snatch for them a woman or man as a wife or husband. So,saints,let's be vigilant,not to fall prey of such wolves in sheep's skin,the church leaders must scrutine,the new-comers,finding out their motives of their membership to church,by testing and puting their spirits to proof as the Bible states,to avoid those who do the members harm. Sometimes church leaders don't heed to these wrongdoers,who fall the church as prey,because the brother/sister to wed is is the pastor's favourite,the wedding is given a go ahead sign and later after marriage things,starting backfiring,left to the couple who was not well counselled before the wedding. As i'm writing now,the body of Christ is full of full scars of weddings that took place in this akward manner. According to my understanding,marriage and genuine Christianity they are twins,,which applies to Christianity is also a prerequissite to marriage,meaning if you didn't get full marks in your Christianity don't dare marriage,you will embarrass yourselves. Let me clear it out for you,if you are not honest and trustworthy to God,I bet you,you even not gonna be honest and trustworthy to your spouse as well,the third is the fear for God which is very important,if you don't have the latter,you will not respect or consider your spouse,before embarking on marriage,fist fine-tune your Christian Life. 2 Corithians6:14 Do not be equally yoked with unbelievers,for what partnership does righteousness has with lawlessness or what fellowship has light with darkness? 1Corithians 15:33. Do not be deceived,bad Icompany ruins good morals Deutoronomy7:3-4. 2 Corithians6:15. IS IT POSSIBLE FOR GOD AND SATAN TO BE INLAWS?
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