Today I want to have a check on prayer,Before coming to the topic about prayer,I want to come with questions revolving prayer,this questions are core to the answer what prayer is or what prayer is about. In order to understand what prayer is,you must at first hand have answers to the following questions;What is prayer,how should prayer be conducted?Where to pray?what is the limit duration in prayer(should it be short/long sessions,how many seconds,minutes,days,weeks,months,years)when to pray(here I refer to day,night,morning,hours out of the 24hrs of the day)how often should one pray,when do you feel or see the urge to pray,when to pray(is it when you feel dissapointed,when you feel happy,or when your tummy is full)do you get a solution to your problem after the prayer?Was prayer an answer to your challenges,would you recommend prayer as the problem solver to a friend or family. . These was a few of the numerous questions which must be answered before coming into prayer,please help me list some of the utmost questions to be tackled surrounding prayer.
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